Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Birthday Blog

So, yesterday was my birthday...

I HATE EFFING BIRTHDAYS! And no, not in the "God, I'm getting old and can't deal with it" kind of way, but in the "I have such high expectations of my birthday that anything short of Oprah throwing me a surprise party on national television will be a letdown" sort of way.

I don't know why I do this to myself. I have plans to go out and celebrate with all of my friends on Friday, but in the mean time I'm so disappointed by my actual birthday. Of course, I should have known that a Monday wouldn't be the most happenin time to celebrate my big 2-7, but somehow I still expected fireworks. Doesn't the mayor know how important I am? Shouldn't all of my friends have the day off of work so they can celebrate with me the whole entire day?

I even took off of work. I mean, I didn't really have plans but the idea of working on my birthday is inherently depressing. What a disasterous idea that was. I slept in til about noon...watched Sex and the City in bed until about two o'clock, and didn't even leave the house until almost three! I had hopes of going to the art museum by myself and wandering the halls a la Carrie Bradshaw when she was "dating her city"...but of fricking course, the art museum is closed on Mondays! FML.

All in all, I went out to eat at a couple great restaurants and had a few cocktails. It was an above average day for a Monday, yet I was still talking myself down from a ledge. After 27 years, I still expect a parade and fireworks on December 14th every year. Perhaps its time I actually grow up and just be happy for what I do have...even if it is my birthday.

Ahh, who am I kidding? I'll be pissed until Friday.


  1. That is until my present gets there and you will smile! F' me for getting it there late!!! love you

  2. And don't worry, next year there will be a parade, I've made a call to the mayor!

  3. Thanks Shanna...I knew you'd understand!


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